Abesabesi Grammar

8.6.1 Standard Negation

no figures
Typological Relevance
no figures
Relevance within Language
no figures
This is the basic way to negate declarative verbal main clauses. Abesabesi's standard negation includes the clitic è and the lack of the 1H (Example 8.1). If subject pronouns are required, the irrealis pronouns with a HL melody must be used (see Example 8.2, also Section 6.2.1).
8.1 a
ebo H miʃ [ebó miʃ]
dog 1H sleep
'The dog sleeps.' (ibe363-00.014)

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ebo miʃ è [ebo miʃijè]
dog sleep NEG
'The dog does not sleep.' (ibe363-00.043)

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8.2 a
à H deŋ [àdéŋ]
1 PL 1H climb
'We climbed.' (ibe124-00.199)

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asáà deŋ è [asáà deŋjè]
1 PL.NEG climb NEG
'We did not climb.' (ibe124-00.207)

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