Abesabesi Grammar

6.2 Pronouns

Typological Relevance
Relevance within Language
Pronouns are classified as a nominal category as they start with a vowel and can be the heads of NPs. This, however, only applies to free pronouns, as the three bound pronoun sets (subject, object, and possessive pronouns) attach to verbs or nouns. This section discusses all bound and free pronouns in Abesabesi. Table lists all pronoun paradigms and rlinks to the respective section in which they are discussed.
Table : Pronouns
Pronouns Morpheme type
Bound subject Bound
Bound object Bound
Bound possessive Bound
Independent Free
Logophoric Free
Dative Free
Independent possessive Free
Emphatic Free
Indefinite Free
Reciprocal Free
Demonstrative Free
Interrogative Free
Of these twelve pronoun sets, the first eight are personal pronouns (bound subject, bound object, bound possessive, independent, logophoric, dative, independent possessive, and emphatic). All personal pronouns, whether free or bound, distinguish three persons and two numbers (singular and plural). The third person in all personal pronoun types additionally distinguishes between human and non-human referents.
